Wednesday 21 February 2007 7 cheese facts

  1. The ancient French cheese, Mariolles, was so pungent that heat waves emanated from it.
  2. Swedish Moose Cheese is the most expensive cheese in the world at up to £500 per Kg.
  3. Camembert and Brie are essentially the same cheese, differing only in the sizes they are sold.
  4. Epoisses cheese is banned from French public transportation because it is too smelly.
  5. As a general rule, white, green or blue mould on a cheese can safely be cut off and the rest of the cheese consumed; Black, red or yellow mould on a cheese and you should throw the whole lot out.
  6. The term ‘Big Cheese’ derives from a medieval term of envy for those who could afford to buy expensive whole wheels of cheese.
  7. You can make edible cheese from the milk of 24 different mammals.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

loved point 7 .... so what does cat cheese look like.