Friday 16 February 2007 7 ridiculous dog breeds

  1. Chinese Crested - No explanation needed for this one, just look at it!
  2. Bedlington Terrier - Great if you don't mind losing your dog in a field of sheep.
  3. Bichon Frise - Ridiculous name for a rediculous ball of candyfloss.
  4. Chihuahua - The ultimate in stupid small rats, plus... Paris Hilton... need I say more.
  5. Kerry Blue Terrier - It's not blue and it looks like a chess piece.
  6. Lowchen - Probably wouldn't be quite so ludicrous if they weren't shaved half naked!
  7. Miniature Pinscher - Not a bad looking dog until you realise it's less than a foot tall! Where's the rest of my dog!!

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