Wednesday 21 March 2007 7 experiences we never want to suffer again

  1. Both: Sailing on 'The Princess of Scandinavia' on the North Sea in a hurricane
  2. Bekie: Having a tooth extracted
  3. Ian: Stabbing myself in the eyeball with a twig (still attached to tree)
  4. Ian: Getting hit in the face with a backwards swing of a golf club
  5. Bekie: Eating Quorn. Bekie is extremely allergic to Quorn and spent the next 6 hours throwing up and the next 3 days feeling very ill
  6. Ian: Being seconds from drowning to death just off the south coast of England
  7. Both: Sitting through a whole recital of 'Hayden's Creation' on uncomfortable seats. When it finished we were very relieved until we realised it was only the half way interval!

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