Monday 25 June 2007 7 interesting facts about catfish

To celebrate the USA "National Catfish Day" (no, I'm not making this stuff up), I present 7 facts about catfish.

  1. The Wells Catfish is the largest European freshwater fish and can be up to 10 feet long.
  2. The Electric Catfish is capable of generating up to 350 volts.
  3. The candiru or "toothpick fish" is the only vertibrae human parasite which worms its way into its host via the urethra!
  4. Clarias batrachus or "Walking Catfish" has developed air breathing organs allowing it to walk over land to find new lakes and ponds.
  5. On May 1, 2005 the largest freshwater fish ever recorded was captured in the Chiang Khong district of Northern Thailand. This catfish weighed in at 646 pounds (293 kilograms)!
  6. Catfish have numerous external taste buds, many of which are located on the barbels. Consequently, they can taste something by simply touching it with their barbels.
  7. Males catfish, after fertalizing eggs will chase off the female and guard the nest until the young fish are hatched.

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