Monday 18 June 2007 7 key dates in the rise and fall of Napoleon Bonaparte

To mark the battle of Waterloo, here are 7 key dates in the rise and fall of the Napoleon.

  1. 9th November 1799 - Overthrew the French government and became first consul of a provisional government.
  2. 18th May 1804 - Established France as an empire with himself as emperor.
  3. 2nd December 1805 - Led French troops to victory over the Austrian and Russian armies at Austerlitz (now Slavkov, Czech Republic)
  4. 11th April 1814 - Was forced to abdicate unconditionally after a coalition of European countries captured Paris; was exiled to the island of Elba.
  5. 20th March 1815 - Returned to Paris after escaping from Elba, and again declared himself emperor
  6. 18th June 1815 - Was defeated during a final battle at Waterloo
  7. 22nd June 1815 - Abdicated a second time and was exiled to the island of Saint Helena

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I did not know he abdicated twice (and was exiled twice). Definitely not taught to me in school.