Thursday 27 September 2007 7 oddities of house hunting (for a rental)

From the first hand experiences of Mr Elephino, cheers mate :)

  1. When having an open house, you'd expect the current tenants to clean up more
  2. 15 minute open house - there is a queue formed outside and everyone pushes to get in first. After 5 minutes, even the best places are then empty
  3. People who flush the toilet. To see if it works?
  4. The rudeness of those at reception of real estate agents when they find out you're renting
  5. Low shower heads - approx. 5'6" off the ground. And the one shower curtain that was that height too
  6. Realising that you need to have 6 weeks worth of rent in the bank account (2 in advance and 4 for bond), ready for if you get a place
  7. Real estate agents not being open on Sundays


Sona said...

Flushing toilets is to check water pressure. You're supposed to turn the faucet on then flush. If the flow of water in the faucet goes down, then there is low water pressure.

Anonymous said...

Then these people would love my current place. Water pressure with faucet to toilet is's the shower that loses pressure all the time, even without anything running. Constantly chasing pressure and temperature when having a shower.