Wednesday 10 October 2007 7 french idioms with litteral translations

  1. Faire le lézard - to soak up the sun (lit: to do the lizard)
  2. Filer à l'anglaise - to take unofficial time off (lit: to run off, English style)
  3. C'est la fin des haricots - It's hopeless. (lit: It's the end of the beans)
  4. Poser un lapin - To stand someone up (lit: To leave a rabbit)
  5. Faire un boeuf - Improvise (lit: Make a beef)
  6. Les carottes sont cuites - I've had it! (lit: The carrots are cooked)
  7. Avoir le guele de bois - Have a hangover (lit: To have a wooden face)

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