Monday 3 December 2007 7 things I have learnt about writing this blog over the past year

Today is a special day... On this day in 2006, LO7T was born with a post about an overweight girl with matching mustard leggings and handbag. Thank you to everyone for reading so far and especially to my band of regular submitters, you know who you are :)

  1. Finding 5 or even 6 things is usually simple, the 7th is nearly always a problem
  2. The amount of people who point out 7 things to me is surprising
  3. Things don't tend to come in groups of 7
  4. On numerous occations I have spotted groups of 7 things but discovered I have an inadaquate or no camera (7 busses in a row)
  5. I have only once in the past year forgotten to put up a list before midnight! 12:30ish after realising I had completely forgotten. Don't bother searching, I back dated it ;)
  6. On numerous accations people have asked a question that I could answer by referring to a previous 7 things
  7. The LO7T is the longest running website I have ever owned!

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