Monday 14 January 2008 7 things learned from making a Top Gear audition tape

Thanks go out to Elephino for today's submission, cheers mate :)

  1. The blooper reel will always be at least 10 times longer than usable footage
  2. The most inane and normal things can put someone into fits of laughter and no one else gets it until watching it back later
  3. What seems like a good idea at the time can be ruined by good weather (well, 37 degree heat really)
  4. A team of researches, fact finders and helpers would have been great to have for finding locations, holding umbrellas, keeping drinks cool and making life easier for the "stars"
  5. It would be much harder to make it interesting with only 1 person being in the audition tape
  6. If at first you do succeed, do it again anyway as you'll often find it's still better the second time
  7. No matter how much you prepare, it's never enough

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