Tuesday 26 August 2008 7 answers to questions we got right in this week's University Challenge

  1. Banksy
  2. Minotaur
  3. 1939
  4. Puccini
  5. British Library
  6. Melatonin
  7. Green

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jeopardy version...
1. What was Sir Joseph Banks' nickname when he visited Australia?
2. If a man is only half full of bullshit, he can be known as a what?
3. What year was war declared on Germany...again?
4. Who doesn't give a Tosca about Madame Butterfly?
5. If you are in Britain, where do you go to find a book?
6. What do animals use as a seasonal clock?
7. Who killed Professor Plum in the Library with the lead pipe?