Monday 24 November 2008 7 ridiculous mythical beasts

  1. Mermecolion - Head of a lion, body of an ant
  2. Bonnacon - An Asian animal, like a bison, that emits noxious vapors from is rear if attacked. These vapors can cover 3 acres, and will burn trees in its path.
  3. Gansas - A swan with one webbed foot and one talon. Every year they migrate to the moon
  4. Sea Monk - A fish that looks like a monk
  5. Lamb Tree - A lamb that is grown from a plant. It remains attached to the plant through a cord in the navel. The lamb can graze within the length of the cord, but when it eats all the vegetation within reach, it dies.
  6. Scylla - Half nymph, half deadly 6 headed wolf beast.
  7. Wolpertinger - A flying bunny with antlers and fangs

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