Friday 17 June 2011 7 varieties of apricot

Today's list was suggested to me by JK. Thanks for the idea :)

  1. Hargrand - Very large, firm apricot. Mid season harvest
  2. Puget Gold - Medium sized apricot low in acid. Mid to late season harvest
  3. Tomcot - Large sweet apricot with orangy flesh. Early harvest
  4. Wenatchee Moorpark - Large oval apricot with orange-yellow flesh. Mid season harvest
  5. Blenheim - Medium to large apricot with yellow-orange juicy flesh. Early to mid season harvest
  6. Apium - Medium to large fruit with clear yellow skin. Late harvest
  7. Moongold - Plum-size apricot with golden skin and flesh. Early to mid season harvest

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