Thursday 11 January 2007 7 common english malfunctions

  1. Its - It's : It's should Only ever be used as an abbreviation of 'It is'!
  2. Loose - Lose : You lose a race. A screw is loose.
  3. Your - You're : It is your language that you're ruining!
  4. Alot - A Lot : There is no such word as Alot, seriously!
  5. Adjective used as adverb : Don't do it... EVER!!! Wrong: He performed the manoeuvre perfect. It's perfectLY!!
  6. Surprise : Contrary to what a lot of people think; there are no such words as suprise, surprize or suprize
  7. Form when you mean From : A common and understandable mistake if you are an overworked HTML coder ;)

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