Friday 4 May 2007 7 star wars trivia facts

  1. James Caan, Al Pacino and Burt Reynolds all turned down the role of Han Solo.
  2. At one point, George Lucas planned for the characters of Luke Skywalker and his aunt and uncle, to be dwarves
  3. Most of the Stormtroopers are left-handed. That is because of how the weapons are constructed. Their weapons are based on a real weapon, where the magazine is on left side of the weapons. This construction caused it to hit the troopers in the chest. Therefore they have to switch grip of the weapon, which made them look left-handed.
  4. According to Mark Hamill, studio executives were unhappy that Chewbacca has no clothes and attempted to have the costume redesigned with shorts
  5. On the first day of filming in the deserts of Tunisia, the country experienced its first major rainstorm in 50 years
  6. The terms "X-wing" and "Y-wing" and "TIE fighter" were used by ILM effects guys to distinguish the fighters. These terms are not used in this film, though they were incorporated into the sequels. They also became popular with the public after the toys and the Making of special aired on tv. In addition, ILM's special effects staff nicknamed the Millennium Falcon "The Porkburger" but this never caught on.
  7. Chewbacca's "voice" is a combination of several animals including bears, badgers, walrus and camels

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