Friday 20 June 2008 7 facts about pineapples

  1. The latin name ananas comosus means tufted pine
  2. The fruitlets of a pineapple are arranged in two interlocking spirals, eight spirals in one direction, thirteen in the other; each being a Fibonacci number.
  3. The natural (or most common) pollinator of the pineapple is the hummingbird.
  4. Pineapples should also not be consumed by those with Hemophilia or by those with kidney or liver disease, as it may reduce the time taken to coagulate a consumer's blood.
  5. Pineapples, like bananas, are chill-sensitive. Therefore, they should not be stored in the refrigerator.
  6. SpongeBob SquarePants lives in a pineapple under the sea.
  7. Certain bat-pollinated wild pineapples, do the exact opposite of most flowers by opening their flowers at night and closing them during the day.

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