Friday 22 December 2006 7 presents I got for Yule

Today is Yule and it very nearly ended up in the burns unit of the local hospital after I managed to knock a Pyrex dish of boiling oil off the kitchen counter missing my privates by about 2cm. In fact the only bit of oil that managed to hit me landed on my left foot which was well insulated by 2 pairs of socks :D
Yay, no molten penis for me this year! I did get the following 7 things though.

  1. Nikon D80 Camera + Sigma 18-50mm Lens
  2. Eco Kettle
  3. Red Duvet Set
  4. Silk Boxer Shorts
  5. Cheeseboard with Mouse Cheese Wire
  6. Black Trousers
  7. Rose Red DVD

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