Wednesday 17 January 2007 7 things I love about nature

It's 'celebrity' blog time again; and today's list comes from a previous contributor, Jay. Thanks for the submission Cheesy.

  1. Nature can remind you of who you truly are and has an incredibly humbling quality.
  2. Nature is not judgemental, everything is equal.
  3. The apparent randomness of nature which is actually not random in the slightest.
  4. The way that being surrounded by none other than nature can allow you to feel as if you are the only human life-form on the planet.
  5. Nature's uncompromising force to survive and flourish despite much of humanities best efforts to destroy it.
  6. The sounds of nature. Rain on a roof, a running stream, wind howling through trees or gently rustling leaves, wood creaking etc.
  7. The way that nature is constantly in a state of flux.

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