Saturday, 19 March 2011 7 earliest warewolf movies

  1. The Warewolf - 1913
  2. The Wolf - 1914
  3. The Wolfman - 1915
  4. La Loup Garou - 1923
  5. The Wolf Man - 1925
  6. Wolf Blood - 1932
  7. The Warewolf - 1935

Friday, 18 March 2011 7 longest sitting prime ministers of Norway

  1. Einar Gerhardsen - 17 years and 17 days
  2. Johan Nygaardsvold - 10 years, 3 months and 5 days
  3. Gro Harlem Brundtland - 10 years, 1 month and 9 days
  4. Gunnar Knudsen - 9 years, 3 months and 4 days
  5. Johan Ludwig Mowinckel - 6 years, 10 months and 21 days
  6. Jens Stoltenberg - Incumbent
  7. Kjell Magne Bondevik - 6 years, 4 months and 29 days

Thursday, 17 March 2011 7 international cheeses

  1. Añejo - Mexico
  2. Paneer - India
  3. Chanco - Chile
  4. Ayib - Ethiopia
  5. Flower of Rajya - Nepal
  6. Queijo Coalho - Brazil
  7. Sakura - Japan

Wednesday, 16 March 2011 7 Mathematical Theorems

  1. Pythagoras Theorem
  2. Fermat's Last Theorem
  3. De Moivre's Theorem
  4. Schroeder-Bernstein Theorem
  5. The Binomial Theorem
  6. Cantor's Theorem
  7. Jordan Curve Theorem

Tuesday, 15 March 2011 7 oldest domains

  1. - March 15, 1985
  2. - April 24, 1985
  3. - May 24, 1985
  4. - July 11, 1985
  5. - September 30, 1985
  6. - November 7, 1985
  7. - January 9, 1986

Monday, 14 March 2011 7 answers we got right in this week's University Challenge

  1. The Difference
  2. Shakespeare
  3. Crude Oil
  4. Matrix
  5. M
  6. N
  7. 3

Sunday, 13 March 2011 7 heaviest elements that have stable nuclides

  1. Bismuth
  2. Lead
  3. Thallium
  4. Mercury
  5. Gold
  6. Platinum
  7. Iridium