Monday 7 July 2008 7 things I didn't know last month

  1. Rays are part of the shark family
  2. 'The Joy of Sex' took it's name from a cookery book - 'The Joy of Cooking'
  3. There are over 60000 species of weevil
  4. Our neighbours were going to put in a planning application to change the building use to... a yoga studio!
  5. You can get goggles for dogs - Doggles
  6. Plantains taste EXACTLY the same as bananas
  7. The same people who operate the TPS (Telephone Preference Service) offer The Baby Mailing Preference Service, to help reduce the number of baby-related mailings you receive!?!


Anonymous said...

The Baby Mailing Preference Service - it's not so you get posted your preferred baby?

adoodleaday said...

Oh how good would that be ... If that was the case then I'd change my mind about kids and I'll have a quiet one that makes no mess and is never annoying. A baby genius!