- Being woken up by the cat throwing up on the floor next to her, and that being the first thing she had to deal with
- Deciding that she was going to make this a '7 things list' and the realisation that would mean that 6 more annoying things would have to happen (5 now)
- Having an image of a trussed up turkey flitting in and out of her mind throughout the day
- Being constantly reminded of NTL:Telewest due to their spam mail having not been put in the recycling yet. In fact this list was jotted on the back of it so it still isn't there yet
- Realising that she had to roll tons of cigarettes... again
- The cat flemensing (clem coughing up flem) across the sofa, the fleece blanket and anything else within range for the 2nd time today
- An annoying piece of tissue stuck in the top of the lighter
Wednesday, 13 December 2006 7 things that have annoyed my other half today
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Tags: Humour, Irritations